The Origin of Japanese Shiatsu Massage

In Japanese, “shi” means finger, and “atsu” means press or push. Therefore, Shiatsu can be simply understood as a method using fingers to press or push on various body areas. This technique involves massaging pressure points to alleviate tension and pain, promote metabolism, and provide a sense of comfort and relaxation.
Shiatsu developed from the ancient Japanese massage technique called Anma, which originated around 1320 by master Akashi Kan Ichi. Over time, the Anma technique was refined and evolved into the modern Shiatsu method.
A well-known story about the origin of Shiatsu tells that in 1912, a seven-year-old boy named Tokujiro Namikoshi cured his mother’s rheumatism by using finger, hand, and palm massages. Later, in 1925, he attended a formal Amma training course to obtain certification. He then perfected his initial massage technique, combining it with Amma techniques to create Shiatsu.

Benefits of Shiatsu Massage

Shiatsu massage has been studied and scientifically proven to offer various practical health benefits, including:

1. Pain Relief for Muscles and Joints:

   – Through techniques such as pressing and deep pressing on pressure points, Shiatsu helps to alleviate muscle and joint pain, and body fatigue. This method also stimulates the production of synovial fluid in the joints, reducing joint pain and stiffness, making the body more flexible and mobile.
Shiatsu Massage treatment low back pain

2. Improvement of Headache Conditions:

   – One immediate benefit of Shiatsu massage is its effectiveness in relieving headaches. The head area, containing numerous nerves, is prone to tension due to continuous activity. Shiatsu massages the pressure points and nerves, promoting blood circulation, benefiting the nervous system, and effectively alleviating headaches.
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3. Stress and Fatigue Reduction:

   – To regain your spirits after a long day of stress and fatigue, experiencing Shiatsu massage is highly recommended. This massage technique targets the pressure points and areas of fatigue, quickly relieving stress throughout the body and providing a wonderful sense of relaxation.


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